June 7, 2025 20:00
Týniště Jazz Festival
May 30, 2025 19:00
Černošice Jazz Festival
April 9, 2025 17:30
Praha, Konzervatoř J.Ježka
March 27, 2025 19:00
Praha, Divadlo Járy Cimrmana
Solo Piano recital, Prague Rudolfinum 6.2.2016
Visit the new facebook page of Milan Svoboda. It's both current and historical.
Welcome to my website. Here you will find information about my musical activities present and past. The navigation bar includes links to my concert and performance schedule, profiles of my orchestras and bands, a detailed discography with an option to buy albums or download tracks. The e-shop also offers scores of my compositions and arrangements. Further one can browse reviews, interviews and other responses from the media, concert videos, photos and posters, a complete list of my compositions including scenic music for theater and film. There is a page about my work as an educator and about the textbook I wrote entitled "Praktická jazzová harmonie" (Practical Jazz Harmony). The website also contains a blog with my notes and reflections where visitors can respond in the Discussion section. Comments are welcome on other pages as well. Feel free to join my mailing list and receive a monthly update on my activities. Visit my official facebook page with a timeline starting in 1974 and lots of documents from the period - photos, videos, press reviews etc. I hope you find my website interesting and I wish you all the best.
Composed for State Street Ballet Company Santa Brbara, Los Angeles, USA
BERLIN, 24.5. Kammermusiksaal der Berliner Philharmoniker
In the concert program will was also my composition Concerto grosso -
double concerto for violin, piano and strings!
Soloists: Laurentius Dinca (violin) a Igor Cognolato (piano)
Beautiful performance!
More details here (in Czech).
Praktická jazzová harmonie přináší na 380 stranách souhrnný přehled hudební teorie v oblasti jazzu a populární hudby. V několika dílech se zabývá stavbou akordu, záznamem harmonie pomocí akordických značek, principy funkční harmonie v tonalitě aplikací nové teorie akordických stupnic, užití modality a ne-tonality v jazzové harmonii a způsoby harmonizace tónu v melodii. Je určena nejen pro studenty konzervatoří a hudebních škol všech stupňů, ale i pro všechny aktivní hudebníky, kteří hudbu této oblasti provozují.