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The Rise Of The Jungle / Zrození džungle

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda

The Fear Song / Píseň o strachu

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
The Wolf Family / Vlčí rodina

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
The Jungle Song / Píseň o džungli

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda

Santa Barbara Ballet, USA
Ikky The Porcupine / Dikobraz Sáhí

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Mowgli And The Fear / Mauglí a Strach

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Wolf Dance / Vlčí tanec

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Bagheera The Panther / Baghíra

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
The Farewell Song / Píseň o ločení

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Kaa The Snake / Had Ká

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Baloo And Bagheera / Bálú a Baghíra

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Tourists Arrival / Turisté přicházejí

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
The Monkeys Attack / Útok opic
Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
The Monkey Kingdom / Opičí království
Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda

National Theatre Prague
The Friendship Song / Píseň o přátelství
Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Baloo And Mowgli / Bálú a Mauglí
Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Girls / Dívky
Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Tourists With Catches / Turisté s trofejemi
Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Bagheera, Mowgli And Baloo / Baghíra, Mauglí a Bálú
Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
The Love Song / Píseň o lásce
Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
The Fight With Tiger Shere Khan / Boj s tygrem Šer Chánem

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Farewell To Friends / Loučení s přáteli

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda
Epilogue / Epilog

Symphony Orchestra of the National Theatre Prague conducted by Milan Svoboda

Opera Ballet Chemnitz